آخر الأخبار
آخر أخبار الشركة
Our Ramdan Working hours
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The National day holidays start from 2 nd November 2023 Saturday to 4 th November 2023 Monday. Normal working hours will be resumed on 5 th November 2023 Tuesday Wish you all the best and joy.
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Abu Dhabi Golden Visa for High School Graduates.
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25 % cash back
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Our Ramdan Working Hours
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Muamalat wishing you and your family a happy new year filled with hope, health, and happiness.
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eDirham Discontinuation
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Appointment system
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Golden Visa Services
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سعياً منا لتطوير الخدمة يعلن مركز معاملات تسهيل فرع الخالدية شارع الشيخ زايد الاول مقابل المحلات الكبرى، يسرنا الاعلان عن تقديم خدمات دائرة القضاء (خدمات كاتب العدل - خدمات النيابة العامة - خدمات المحاكم)
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Our working Time 8.00 AM TO 8.00 PM Saturday to Thursday
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Daman Insurance services available in our centre
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A single trusted digital identity for all citizens, residents
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أسرة مركز معاملات – تسهيل الخالدية يتتمنى لكم عيد فطر سعيد في ظل عائلتكم الكريمة وأننا نعلمكم بأن أجازة العيد ستكون من 29 رمضان الى ثالث يوم من شوال على أن نعاود العمل بعد ذلك من الساعة الثامنة صباحا الى الساعة السابعة مساء وكل عام وأنتم بخير
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Click to here to make a Donation Thank you
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Congratulations for the winners…. 1st prize SN:1611 Shameer 2nd prize SN:1004 Mahbob 3rd prize SN: 1177 Ahmed
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Tasheel Muamalat Welcomes You. Blood Donation Camp 04th of November 2019. Donate Blood. Its safe, simple and saves lives. Everyone could be Hero. Be a Donor.
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Rate our website based on the following aspects: https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/WpBUL5
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Furthermore, no tourist visa fees will be charged for children below 18 years of age who are accompanying their parents to the UAE, the authority announced. Tourists can benefit from the latest tourist visa fee waiver rules between July 15 and September 15 each year.
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Our center working hours 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM Saturday to Thursday
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Wishing You and your loved ones a blessed EID.
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Dear Customer, Please Select our Services book your appointment.. "Services beyond expectations...
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المنظمة الدولية لتوحيد المقاييس ايزو ( 2015-9001 ISO ) الايزو 9000 هو نهج يحتوي على معايير أساسية عالمية، تتضمن مجموعة من المعايير ضمن نظام إدارة الجودة من خلال تطوير نظام شامل يتناول أنظمة المنظمة بأكملها.
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f you are planning to set up a business in Abu Dhabi, simple steps and flexible procedures will help you achieve it in few days. Tasheel Muamalat Contact:02 666 66 54 Mob:056 699 3642
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لوقت من ذهب ،،، وعلى هذا الأساس فإننا نقدر وقتك في تسهيل ( معاملات ) ،،،
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The employment
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National Day Celebration
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Naeem actively participated in the Muamalat Tasheel Social Media Contest. Congratulations Naeem for winning the competition.
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The Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award (SKEA) team visited our office and evaluated our process for SKEA award.
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UAE to accept long term visa applications from February 3
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Meet Financial Advisors and Tax Consultant at Muamalat Tasheel Phone: +971 2 666 6654 Toll Free: 800 6776 Mob:056 699 3642
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Our legal service department is designed for simplifying the most common legal issues in UAE, where clients are guaranteed with privacy and confidentiality on any transaction processed.
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New Design
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وثق عقد ايجارك بطريقة مريحة في مركز معاملات – تسهيل الخالدية
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مركز معاملات - تسهيل الخالدية - أبوظبي - مقابل فندق الشيراتون يتشرف بتقديم خصم خاص لأعضاء صندوق خليفة يصل الى 15% على رسوم الطباعة للخدمات
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خصم خاص بنسبة 15٪ على الرسوم فقط على فرع الخالدية https://www.fazaa.ae/ae_en/goshop/offer/view/id/21095/?___from_store=ae_ar
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بطاقة الولاء لعملائنا
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